Welcome to SwitchBoard Alaska
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year we are here for you as Alaska’s Answering Service. Allow us to take your messages, immediately dispatch technicians or take orders for your products or services.
When you team with SwitchBoard Alaska, a helpful, friendly representative will answer your calls at any time of day. During your lunch, after hours or when you’re simply too busy, our answering service can help handle your phones. Our staff can personalize the call immediately, starting with the way we answer the phone in your business name. Each caller receives the individualized attention they expect from your business.
Our service was founded on the values of reliability, integrity, and commitment to our clients. We devote significant resources to maintain a staff of respectful and courteous operators who can efficiently deliver the requests of your customers by whichever method best suit your needs. Operators can provide your callers shipping, tracking, or billing information right through your VPN or network from web-enabled stations.
We’re experienced dispatchers and we can’t be bought at any price so you’ll not have an ounce of competition in our office. Just pure dispatching your way. We’ll take the call, the order, collect CC payments for you and get your employee to the scene ready with all the info they need to get the job done right.
Our operators can relay messages via Radio, telephone, alpha-numeric pager, or digital pager. If the message requires sensitivity due to its medical nature, rest easy — SwitchBoard Alaska is HIPAA compliant. We will work with you to provide a regulated level of security and accountability program.
“SwitchBoard Alaska has been instrumental in our commitment and success of the JBER project and to the service of our Arctic Warriors in the Last Frontier.”